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IPageTemplate Properties

The IPageTemplate type exposes the following members.

Public propertyAppContext
Gets the IAppContext object.
Public propertyAsConsole
Access this page using the IConsoleTemplate interface. This will return null for all non-console pages.
Public propertyAsWizard
Access this page using the IWizardTemplate interface. This will return null for all non-wizard pages.
Public propertyIsMultiElement
Gets whether or not this template a multi-element template (e.g. ConsoleTemplate) vs. a single-element template (e.g. TabbedSubformTemplate). Multi-element templates can have multiple peer slots on the page. Typically elements hosted on a multi-element template get certain settings from their PageElementInfo rather than the PageInfo.
Public propertyMainMapper
Get the main IMapperfor this page. Generally this corresponds to the IMapper used by the renderer assigned to the main slot. For multi-element pages (e.g. Console and Wizard pages), you can use AsConsole and AsWizard to get the corresponding interface which provide access additional mappers. Note that this may be null for certain page types and/or stages in a page's life-cycle and should be tested accordingly.
Public propertyMainRenderer
Get the main renderer for this implementing the IRenderer interface. Generally this corresponds to the PageElementInfo assigned to the main slot. For multi-element pages (e.g. Console and Wizard pages), you can use AsConsole and AsWizard to get the corresponding interface which provide access to additional renderers. Note that this may be null for certain page types and/or stages in a page's life-cycle and should be tested accordingly.
Public propertyPageInfo
Get the PageInfo object for this page.
Public propertyPageProperties
Gets the page-instance-specific Properties for the page's GLOBAL PageInfo object. This collection is normally be accessed by calling PageProperties, not directly. Upon first access, the collection is created an initialized from the page's GLOBAL PageInfo properties.
See Also