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NavTargetTypes Fields

The NavTargetTypes type exposes the following members.

Public fieldStatic memberCommand
Rather than true navigation, user action should invoke a command. This is typically a MapperCommand, or less often a PageCommand, represented by a MapperCommand. When invoked the appropriate event is fired, MapperCommand or PageCommand. See MapperCommand(IMapper, EAPCommandEventArgs) or PageCommand(Object, EAPCommandEventArgs) for more information.
Public fieldStatic memberEvent
Navigation fires an event which may redirect. The event will be fired to the registered EventHandler component registered to the event.
Public fieldStatic memberHTML
The HTML provided in this target's HTML text property should be rendered into the navigator.
Public fieldStatic memberNavigator
A nested Navigator should be rendered.
Public fieldStatic memberPage
Navigation is to another page in the application, specified by MOP.
Public fieldStatic memberPane
Navigation is to a particular pane within an IConsoleTemplate page. Generally this implies PaneNavigation within the current page.
Public fieldStatic memberReport
Navigation is to a report.
Public fieldStatic memberTemplate
Navigation is to a template.
Public fieldStatic memberURL
Navigation is to a particular URL, typically external to the application.
See Also