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PageTextHelperGetCascadedText Method

Gets the text for the specified text item, if exists.

Namespace:  NetQuarry
Assembly:  EAP.Core (in EAP.Core.dll) Version: (
public static string GetCascadedText(
	Object sender,
	string ids,
	string defaultText,
	string altName1 = null,
	string altName2 = null,
	IAppContext appCxt = null,
	PageInfo pInfo = null,
	CascadedTextOptions cto = ,
	IField iFld = null,
	string excludeRevealIDS = null


Type: SystemObject
An object requesting a text string
Type: SystemString
The IDS of the item in the locale resource file. This generally serves as the unique string ID for all levels of overriding.
Type: SystemString
The default text to return if no text is found with the requested search id's
altName1 (Optional)
Type: SystemString
The name of an alternative string id for the text lookup for page element/page text. Preferred to ids.
altName2 (Optional)
Type: SystemString
The name of an alternative string id for the text lookup for page element/page text. Preferred to altName1.
appCxt (Optional)
Type: NetQuarryIAppContext
An alternative source for an IAppContext.
pInfo (Optional)
Type: NetQuarryPageInfo
A alternative source for a IPageInfo object.
cto (Optional)
Type: NetQuarry.DataCascadedTextOptions
iFld (Optional)
Type: NetQuarry.DataIField
An alterntive source an IField object.
excludeRevealIDS (Optional)
Type: SystemString
An IDS string that should not generate reveal text.

Return Value

Type: String
The text value, else defaultText if not found.
See Also