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IUploadcare Methods

The IUploadcare type exposes the following members.

Public methodConvertFile
Converts an existing file (represented by uuid) to the specified format.
Public methodCreateGroup
Creates a file group object.
Public methodDeleteFile
Deletes the file with the UUID.
Public methodGetFileGroupInfo
Returns a list of uploaded files in the form of a FileInfo object.
Public methodGetFileInfo
Returns the file information for a single file.
Public methodGetUuidFromUrl
Takes a file UUID or a URL containing a file UUID and returns the file UUID.
Public methodGetWidgetDataAttributes
Returns the widget data attributes required to build the control.
Public methodSaveFilesToDocStorage
Saves files represented by the Uploadcare URL to document storage.
Public methodSaveFileToDocStorage
Saves a single file from an Uploadcare URL to document storage.
Public methodStoreFile
Stores the file permanently
Public methodUploadFile(String)
Uploads a file using the sourceUrl
Public methodUploadFile(Byte, String)
Uploads a file using the fileData and fileName
See Also