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NetQuarry.Services.Uploadcare Namespace

The NetQuarry service providing an integration with Uploadcare "A scalable file API for web and mobile apps" designed to "Optimize your content, conversions, load times, traffic, and user experience.".
Public classError
Holds an error from an uploadcare object.
Public classFile
Holds information about a an IUploadcare document.
Public classFileInfo
Holds information about a list of IUploadcareFile objects.
Public classImageInfo
Holds information about an IUploadcare image as part of an Uploadcare File. Note that some of the properties are based on the Exchangeable Image File Format (EXIF) standards.
Public classStoredFile
The result of store file
Public interfaceIUploadcare
Manages Uploadcare functionality. Uploadcare is "A scalable file API for web and mobile apps" designed to "Optimize your content, conversions, load times, traffic, and user experience.".