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GoogleMapService Properties

The GoogleMapService type exposes the following members.

Public propertyAPIVersion
Gets/sets the version of the Google Maps API to use. If no specific version is specified then no specific version is requested. Currently, when specified, this is used for the value of the "v" query parameter when loading the Google Maps API script.
Public propertyApplication
Gets or Sets the IAppContext object for the service.
(Inherited from ServiceBase.)
Public propertyAttributes
Gets/Sets the service attributes.
(Inherited from ServiceBase.)
Public propertyCategory
Gets/Sets the service category.
(Inherited from ServiceBase.)
Public propertyClientID
The GoogleMaps client ID.
Public propertyComponentID
Gets/Sets the service component ID.
(Inherited from ServiceBase.)
Public propertyID
Gets/Sets the service ID.
(Inherited from ServiceBase.)
Public propertyName
Gets/Sets the service name.
(Inherited from ServiceBase.)
Public propertyPrivateKey
The application-specific GoogleMaps key required for the GoogleMaps non-public API.
Public propertyProperties
Gets the service's configuration properties
(Inherited from ServiceBase.)
Public propertyType
Gets/Sets the service type.
(Inherited from ServiceBase.)
Public propertyUseAPIKeyAuthentication
Gets/sets whether or not the service should use an API key to authenticate with the Google Maps API. When specified, this will use the value in PrivateKey as the API key for authentication. This is an alternative to using the PrivateKey + ClientID method of authentication (which requres the use of a Google API Premium Account).
Public propertyUsePublicAPI
Gets/sets whether or not the service should use the Google Maps public API. The public API is supported for testing and prototyping. The Google Maps API terms of use prohibits use of the public API on sites that are not generally accessible without a fee, or that operate solely on an internal network or other closed community. Google Maps terms of use:
See Also