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MapperFilters Properties

The MapperFilters type exposes the following members.

Public propertyCount
The number of elements actually contained in the ArrayList.
(Inherited from EAPCollectionBase.)
Public propertyDebugInfo
Gets debug information for this filter. To append to DebugInfo use AddDebugInfo(String). DebugInfo can help a developer determine where a filter was added and what its purpose is. See DebugInfo for debug information on individual MapperFilter items. Note that this information is currently visible only in the debugger.
Public propertyDirty
Used to track whether the any filter within the collection has changed. If cleared, the Dirty flag is cleared on all filters in the collection. When set, the collection's Dirty flag is set, but the Dirty flags of the individual filters are not affected.
Public propertyHasPKFilter
Determines whether or not the collection contains an enabled (not Disabled) PK filter.
Public propertyIsFixedSize
true if the ArrayList has a fixed size; otherwise, false. The default is false.
(Inherited from EAPCollectionBase.)
Public propertyIsReadOnly
Returns true if the collection is read-only. (Default is false)
(Inherited from EAPCollectionBase.)
Public propertyIsSynchronized
true if access to the internal ArrayList is synchronized (thread-safe); otherwise, false. The default is false.
(Inherited from EAPCollectionBase.)
Public propertyItemInt32
Indexer for this collection.
Public propertyItemString
Indexer for this collection.
Public propertyOverrideFilter
The filters have been modified and should override whatever filtering is being carried by the mapper in its internal state. This property is primarily intended for internal use by IFilterControl components such as the SearchBar.
Public propertyRowKey
Gets the RowKey from the collection where the collection has at least one filter marked PK that IsActive and has a non-null/empty FieldValue.
Public propertySyncRoot
An object that can be used to synchronize access to the ArrayList.
(Inherited from EAPCollectionBase.)
Public propertyTextItems
The filters collection's localized text collection. This is intended for internal use only.
See Also