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MapperKernelBulkDeleteBegin Method

Initiate a bulk delete using the mapper and fire its corresponding extension event. The object controlling the bulk operation typically makes this call before performing the delete operations in a loop using the same mapper instance. The bulkContext will be provided in the BulkContext parameter for all mapper events performed during the bulk operation. If a null bulkContext object is provided, the method will instantiate one for you. If you want a custom bulkContext, you should derive from the base EventBulkContext object and provide an instance of your derived class. If BulkDeleteBegin is called, you should call BulkDeleteEnd when the operation completes. Note that the MapperBulkBeforeDelete event is fired from within this method.

Namespace:  NetQuarry.Data
Assembly:  EAP.Mapper (in EAP.Mapper.dll) Version: (
public ExtResults BulkDeleteBegin(
	EventBulkContext bulkContext


Type: NetQuarryEventBulkContext
The bulk context object to use. If null, a context will be created for you.

Return Value

Type: ExtResults
The status of the ExtensionEvents.MapperBulkBeforeDelete event.


See Also