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ComponentInfo Properties

The ComponentInfo type exposes the following members.

Public propertyAssembly
The name of the assembly (typically the .DLL name). This value is not required for ASCX files that have the Assembly attribute specified in the ASCX file.
Public propertyAttributes
This component's ComponentAttrs.
Public propertyComponent
The name of the component. This value should be the createable class including the namespace of the component.
Public propertyComponentID
The component's ID. This value is a 32 character GUID
Public propertyComponentType
The type of the component. One of the following: ext, ascx, renderer, template, handler
Public propertyFullPath
Returns the full path to the assembly
Public propertyName
The name of the component
Public propertyPath
The full path to the assembly. Typically this is only necessary for Extension type components.
Public propertyProperties
The properties collection for the collection.
Public propertyTextItems
The localized text for the collection.
See Also