ComponentInfo Properties |
The ComponentInfo type exposes the following members.
Name | Description | |
Assembly |
The name of the assembly (typically the .DLL name). This value is not required for ASCX files that
have the Assembly attribute specified in the ASCX file.
| |
Attributes |
This component's ComponentAttrs.
| |
Component |
The name of the component. This value should be the createable class including the namespace of the component.
| |
ComponentID |
The component's ID. This value is a 32 character GUID
| |
ComponentType |
The type of the component. One of the following: ext, ascx, renderer, template, handler
| |
FullPath |
Returns the full path to the assembly
| |
Name |
The name of the component
| |
Path |
The full path to the assembly. Typically this is only necessary for Extension type components.
| |
Properties |
The properties collection for the collection.
| |
TextItems |
The localized text for the collection.