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Channel Properties

The Channel type exposes the following members.

Public propertycreated
UNIX timestamp
Public propertycreator
User ID of the member that created this channel
Public propertyid
The channel ID
Public propertyis_archived
is_archived will be true if the channel is archived.
Public propertyis_general
is_general will be true if this channel is the "general" channel that includes all regular team members. In most teams this is called #general but some teams have renamed it.
Public propertyis_member
is_member will be true if the calling member is part of the channel.
Public propertylast_read
last_read is the timestamp for the last message the calling user has read in this channel.
Public propertylatest
latest is the latest message in the channel.
Public propertymembers
members is a list of user ids for all users in this channel. This includes any disabled accounts that were in this channel when they were disabled.
Public propertyname
The name parameter indicates the name of the channel, without a leading hash sign.
Public propertypurpose
Purpose of this channel
Public propertytopic
Topic of this channel
Public propertyunread_count
unread_count is a full count of visible messages that the calling user has yet to read.
Public propertyunread_count_display
unread_count_display is a count of messages that the calling user has yet to read that matter to them (this means it excludes things like join/leave messages).
See Also