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TemplateProperties Interface

Properties specific to Template objects.

Namespace:  SystemProperties
Assembly:  EAP.Mapper (in EAP.Mapper.dll) Version: (
public interface TemplateProperties

The TemplateProperties type exposes the following members.

Public propertyCategories
A comma separated list of email categories to add as a header in the message.
Public propertyContainerTemplate
The container template to wrap around the content of this template. Use [[inner_content]] as the replacement tag.
Public propertyContentType
The MIME type for the template.
Public propertyDescription
The template's description.
Public propertyDownloadFileName
The filename that should be displayed to the user for download (overriding FileName).
Public propertyFileID
The ID of a template in an external system where it's stored (e.g. Google Drive).
Public propertyFileName
The template's source. This file should be relative to the installed web root path.
Public propertyFromEmailAddress
When sending email based on this template use this email address as the sender.
Public propertyLogNotification
Set to False to skip the default logging of email messages.
Public propertyMapper
The mapper that this template uses for subsitution.
Public propertyMergeMapper
The mapper to use as the data source for merge purposes. Used by the Template Mailer.
Public propertyPerformanceMonitoring
Public propertySource
The template's source. The source is used if the FileName cannot be found or is missing.
Public propertySourceLow
The source for low resolution. (Typically used for sending email to lower resolution devices.)
Public propertySubject
The subject of the template. Typically used for the email subject line when using the template as the source for an email message.
Note Note
This interface is declared for documentation purposes only and is not intended to be used from code.
See Also