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PaymentMethod Properties

The PaymentMethod type exposes the following members.

Public propertybilling_address_id
The billing address id from braintree
Public propertycard_number
The credit card number, without formatting. This number is transitory and not stored in the database, but only transmitted to Braintree to be authenticated and stored in the Braintree vault.
Public propertycard_type
Credit card type as returned by Braintree
Public propertycity
The Payment Method's city.
Public propertycustomer_id
The customer ID
Public propertycustomer_nm
The customer name
Public propertycustomer_phone
The customer phone number
Public propertycvv2
The credit card CVV. This number is transitory and not stored in the database, but only transmitted to Braintree to be authenticated and stored in the Braintree vault.
Public propertyexpires
The payment method expiration date.
Public propertyexpires_month
Month that the card expires. 1 == Jan.
Public propertyexpires_year
Year that the card expires. Should be 4 digits. (2018)
Public propertyfirst_nm
The owner's first name.
Public propertyis_active
Specifies whether or not this payment method is currently active.
Public propertyis_default
Specifies whether or not this payment method is the owner's default payment method.
Public propertylast_nm
The owner's last name.
Public propertylast4
Card last 4 digits
Public propertynonce
The Braintree one-time nonce used to authenticate and register the payment method with Braintree.
Public propertypayment_method_id
The primary key for the payment method.
Public propertypayment_method_nm
The user-provided nickname for the payment method.
Public propertypayment_token
Token from braintree to store in order to retrieve the payment information later.
Public propertypostal_code
The owner's postal code.
Public propertystate
The Payment Method's state.
Public propertystreet_address
The Payment Method's street address.
Public propertystreet_address_2
The Payment Method's secondary street address (eg. Suite #, Apartment #).
Public propertytransaction_id
The ID of the Braintree transaction used to authenticate and register the payment method with Braintree.
See Also