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CallInfo Properties

The CallInfo type exposes the following members.

Public propertyAccountSid
The unique Sid of the Account responsible for creating this call.
Public propertyAnsweredBy
If this call was initiated with answering machine detection, either human or machine. Empty otherwise.
Public propertyCallerName
If this call was an incoming call from a phone number with Caller ID Lookup enabled, the caller's name. Empty otherwise.
Public propertyDateCreated
The date that this resource was created, given as GMT
Public propertyDateUpdated
The date that this resource was last updated, given as GMT
Public propertyDirection
A string describing the direction of the call. inbound for inbound calls, outbound-api for calls initiated via the REST API or outbound-dial for calls initiated by a Dial verb.
Public propertyDuration
The length of the call in seconds. This value is empty for busy, failed, unanswered or ongoing calls.
Public propertyEndTime
The end time of the call, given as GMT in RFC 2822 format. Empty if the call did not complete successfully.
Public propertyForwardedFrom
If this call was an incoming call forwarded from another number, the forwarding phone number (depends on carrier supporting forwarding). Empty otherwise.
Public propertyFrom
The phone number that made this call. e.g., +16175551212 (E.164 format)
Public propertyParentCallSid
A 34 character string that uniquely identifies the call that created this leg.
Public propertyPhoneNumberSid
If the call was inbound, this is the Sid of the IncomingPhoneNumber that received the call. If the call was outbound, it is the Sid of the OutgoingCallerId from which the call was placed.
Public propertyPrice
The charge for this call in USD. Populated after the call is completed. May not be immediately available.
Public propertySid
A 34 character string that uniquely identifies this resource.
Public propertyStartTime
The start time of the call, given as GMT in RFC 2822 format. Empty if the call has not yet been dialed.
Public propertyStatus
A string representing the status of the call. May be queued, ringing, in-progress, completed, failed, busy or no-answer.
Public propertyTo
The phone number that received this call. e.g., +16175551212 (E.164 format)
Public propertyTwilioNumber
Gets the twilio number information from the PhoneNumberSid
See Also