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MeetingParticipant Properties

The MeetingParticipant type exposes the following members.

Public propertyid
The meeting participant id. May be null/empty.
Public propertyjoin_time
The UTC date/time at which the user joined the meeting. Typically this property will only have a value during a meeting.participant_joined or meeting.participant_left webhook event, and not when obtained via RetrievePastMeetingParticipants(String). See also leave_time.
Public propertyleave_time
The UTC date/time at which the user left the meeting. Typically this property will only have a value during a meeting.participant_joined or meeting.participant_left webhook event, and not when obtained via RetrievePastMeetingParticipants(String). See also join_time.
Public propertyname
The participant name, as provided by the participant when joining the meeting. If the participant is a known Zoom user then user_name will identify the user.
Public propertyuser_id
The Zoom user id of the participant, available only if the participant is a known Zoom user. The user_name property should also have a value if this property has a value.
Public propertyuser_name
The Zoom user name of the participant, available only if the participant is a known Zoom user. The user_id property should also have a value if this property has a value.
See Also