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TableInfo Fields

The TableInfo type exposes the following members.

Public fieldDeleteBehavior
Gets or sets how this table should be affected by a mapper delete.
Public fieldDirty
Gets or Sets the dirty bit on the table.
Public fieldExecuted
Gets or set whether the table SQL has already been executed.
Public fieldFieldsToWrite
Collection of fields to be written during this INSERT or UPDATE.
Public fieldIdentityField
Gets or sets the IField that is the identity field for this table.
Public fieldName
Gets or Sets the name of the table.
Public fieldNonUseDefaultOnUpdateFields
Tracks the number of files that are to be saved that are NOT marked with UseDefaultOnUpdate . This is used on updates to prevent an update that solely (across the entire update) updates fields so marked.
Public fieldoperation
The operation being performed. Typically this is the same as the overall operation being performed by the mapper. However, in the case of a mapper performing an UPDATE where one or more tables in the underlying view do not have corresponding records (presumably due to a LEFT JOIN) even though a record was found by the mapper, the operation on a particular table could be an INSERT.
Public fieldPrimaryKeyField
Gets or sets the IField that is the primary key for this table.
Public fieldSQL
Gets or sets the table's SQL statment for execution.
See Also