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EAPCtrlUtilsUniqueIDSnapshot Method

Accessing a control's UniqueID or ClientID too early can cause the ID to be cached. This is perfectly fine if the control's entire tree of NamingContainers has been assembled, but accessing the ID before that can cause a partial ID to be constructed and cached. Once cached there doesn't appear to be a way to clear it! This methods contructs the UniqueID for the control from the control ID's in the control's NamingContainer hierarchy thus preventing unwanted caching. Here are a couple of reference articles: Accessing ClientID or UniqueID too early can cause issues.Net Control.UniqueID implementation

Namespace:  NetQuarry
Assembly:  EAP.Core (in EAP.Core.dll) Version: (
public static string UniqueIDSnapshot(
	Control ctrl,
	char separator


Type: System.Web.UIControl
The control for which to contruct the UniqueID.
Type: SystemChar
The control ID separator character (typically '$').

Return Value

Type: String
The snapshot of the control's UniqueID in the current control tree.
See Also