Click or drag to resize

ISubformBar Properties

The ISubformBar type exposes the following members.

Public propertyClientID
The SubformBar client-side ID.
Public propertyCount
The number of items in the SubformBar.
Public propertyCurrentItem
The active item.
Public propertyHasOptionalItems
Gets/sets whether or not this subform has items that can be shown/hidden by the user. If the subform has optional items (regardless of whether any are currently shown), an icon button will be provided for showing/hiding the optional tabs.
Public propertyHideMinMax
Gets/sets whether or not to hide the Min/Max button.
Public propertyID
The SubformBar ID.
Public propertyMOP
The MOP for the page hosting this subform.
Public propertyMultiScroll
The number of items to scroll when user clicks the multiscroll button. The default is 4.
Public propertyOpenFirstItem
Automatically open the first item in the SubformBar.
Public propertySuppressAlt
Gets/sets whether or not ALT attributes should be suppressed.
Public propertyUsesScreenReader
Gets/sets whether or not the user is using a screen reader for the visually impaired.
Public propertyVisible
True if SubformBar should be visible, else False.
See Also