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IDiagnosticLogPerformanceCountAndDuration Method (String, String, String, Double, PerfmonAttrs)

In a single request, increments two counters. One tracking the event occurred and the other tracking the duration of the event. Increments a counter given a fully specified set of arguments to define the counter's category, instance and counter name. The default PerfmonCounterIncrementType is to increment a specific value, such as an event duration. The default value to increment the counter is 1

Namespace:  NetQuarry.Diagnostics
Assembly:  EAP.Core (in EAP.Core.dll) Version: (
void LogPerformanceCountAndDuration(
	string counterCategory,
	string counterInstance,
	string counterName,
	double duration,
	PerfmonAttrs attrs = 


Type: SystemString
The category of the counter to record against.
Type: SystemString
The instance of the counter to record against. Typically will include the name of the object you are recording metrics for.
Type: SystemString
The name of the counter you are recording.
Type: SystemDouble
The duration of the event (typically in milliseconds)
attrs (Optional)
Type: NetQuarry.DiagnosticsPerfmonAttrs
The PerfmonAttrs which control how the metrics are logged for this event.
See Also