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Transaction Properties

The Transaction type exposes the following members.

Public propertyamount
The transaction gross amount.
Public propertyauthorization_code
The processor authorization code.
Public propertyauthorize_only
True if this should only be pre-authorized (e.g. NOT submitted for settlement)
Public propertycreated_at
The record creation date/time (UTC).
Public propertypayment_id
The ID of the payment as stored in the payment table.
Public propertypayment_method_id
The ID of the payment method used as stored in the payment_method table.
Public propertypayment_token
The Braintree payment token.
Public propertyrefund_date
The date/time of the refund, if any.
Public propertyrefund_id
The ID of the refund, if any.
Public propertyrefund_status
The status of a refund, if any.
Public propertyrefund_transaction_id
The transaction ID of the refund, if any.
Public propertyrequest_id
The ID of the request (for pre-authorization).
Public propertystatus_id
The status ID.
Public propertytask_id
The ID of the related task.
Public propertytransaction_id
The transaction ID.
Public propertytransaction_status
The transaction status.
Public propertytransaction_type
The transaction type.
Public propertyupdated_date
The record last update date/time (UTC).
See Also