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MessageInfo Properties

The MessageInfo type exposes the following members.

Public propertyAccountSid
The account SID value.
Public propertyApiVersion
The version of the Twilio API used to process the Message.
Public propertyBody
The text body of the Message.
Public propertyDateCreated
The date that this resource was created
Public propertyDateSent
The date that the Message was sent
Public propertyDateUpdated
The date that this resource was last updated
Public propertyDirection
The direction of this Message. incoming for incoming messages, outbound-api for messages initiated via the REST API, outbound-call for messages initiated during a call or outbound-reply for messages initiated in response to an incoming Message.
Public propertyErrorCode
The error code of this message. If the message was unable to be delivered this property will contain the error code. Error codes are listed in the Message docs:
Public propertyErrorMessage
The error message for this message. If the message was unable to be delivered this property will contain the error message.
Public propertyFrom
The phone number that initiated the message in E.164 format. For incoming messages, this will be the remote phone. For outgoing messages, this will be one of your Twilio phone numbers.
Public propertyNumImages
The number of images associated with this MMS
Public propertyNumSegments
The number of body segments associated with this message. In a common case, an ASCII message of 180 characters will be split into one segment with 160 characters and one with 20 characters, so NumSegments would be 2 for that message.
Public propertyPrice
The amount billed for the Message.
Public propertySid
A 34 character string that uniquely identifies this resource.
Public propertyStatus
The status of this Message. Either queued, sending, sent, or failed.
Public propertyStatusCode
Returns the translated status code.
Public propertyTo
The phone number that received the message in E.164 format. For incoming messages, this will be one of your Twilio phone numbers. For outgoing messages, this will be the remote phone.
See Also