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IAlgolia Methods

The IAlgolia type exposes the following members.

Public methodAddRecord(String, Object, String)
Adds a record to the index.
Public methodAddRecord(String, String, String)
Adds a record, in JSON form, to the index.
Public methodDeleteBy
Remove all objects matching a filter (including geo filters). This method enables you to delete one or more objects based on filters(numeric, facet, tag or geo queries). It does not accept empty filters or a query. If you have a way to fetch the list of objectIDs you want to delete, use the delete method instead as it is more performant. The delete by method only counts as 1 operation - even if it deletes more than one object. This is exceptional; most indexing options that affect more than one object normally count each object as a separate operation. When deleting large numbers of objects, or large sizes, be aware of our rate limit.You’ll know you’ve reached the rate limit when you start receiving errors on your indexing operations.This can only be resolved if you wait before sending any further indexing operations.
Public methodDeleteRecord
Removes a single object from the index.
Public methodDeleteRecords
Remove objects from an index using their object ids. This method enables you to remove one or more objects from an index.
Public methodIterateTHit
Iterates the index and calls the provided function
Public methodSearchTHit
Returns a typed result of query hits
See Also