Click or drag to resize

DivWidgetBase Properties

The DivWidgetBase type exposes the following members.

Protected propertyCaption
The caption to use for the widget. Typically the widget is provided in the AJAX call. Override this property if the caption is being provided server-side.
Protected propertyCssClass
A Css class to be added to the widget for widget-specific styling.
Protected propertyDivOpts
DivWidget options provided by a derived class as a combination of flags from DivWidgetBaseDivOptFlags.
Protected propertyFilterID
Gets the client-side filter control ID from the request "id" parameter.
Protected propertyFilterOptions
Get the field filter options to apply to the widget. Note that only a few of the FieldFilterOptions have any effect on a filter widget.
Protected propertyFilterText
Gets the filter text from the request "txt" parameter.
Protected propertyMOP
The MOP of the page requesting the filter widget presentation.
Protected propertyUseBootstrap
Gets whether or not Bootstrap is being used.
Protected propertyWidgetID
Gets the client-side widget ID from the request "wid" parameter.
Protected propertyWidgetOptions
Get the filter widget options (a set of character flags that may be widget-specific).
  • a - Include Apply Now button.
  • u - Unlimited list of items.
Protected propertyWidgetWidth
Get override for default client-side widget width, in pixels. If value is less than or equal to zero then no override is used.
See Also