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EventHit Properties

The EventHit type exposes the following members.

Public propertyAction
The stage of the event - 'complete', 'start'
Public propertyCampaign
The campaign name, corresponding to the cn parameter.
Public propertyCategory
Category of the event - register, rsvp, order-match, event-match, profile-setup
Public propertyClientID
Gets/Sets the client identifier, typically the UserGUID value.
(Inherited from MeasurementProtocolPayload.)
Public propertyContent
The campaign content, corresponding to the cc parameter.
Public propertyDocumentReferer
The document referrer, corresponding to the dr parameter.
Public propertyGCLID
The Google Ads ID, corresponding to the gclid parameter.
Public propertyLabel
The event label from the el parameter.
Public propertyMedium
The campaign medium, corresponding to the cm parameter.
Public propertySource
The campaign source, corresponding to the cs parameter.
Public propertyTerm
The campaign keyword, corresponding to the ck parameter.
Public propertyValue
The event value dimension.
See Also