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NetQuarry.Html5 Namespace

NetQuarry provides support for HTML5 controls by extending existing controls such as the standard .Net TextBox. Using these HTML5 controls provides the browser with additional information about how the control is used allowing the browser to provide the best possible user experience. For example, on an Apple iPad using the Tel control will cause the iPad to present a keyboard suitable for telephone number entry when the user click on an editable Tel control.
Public classCanvas
An HTML5 "canvas" control. This will render an HTML5 CANVAS element which allows for dynamic, scriptable rendering of 2D shapes and bitmap images. The CANVAS element is supported in the following browser versions:
  • Internet Explorer -- 9.0 and later.
  • Chrome -- 4.0 and later.
  • Firefox -- 2.0 and later.
  • Safari -- 3.1 and later.
  • Opera -- 9.0 and later.
See also:
Public classEmail
An HTML5 "email" control. This will render an INPUT tag with a TYPE of "email". On supporting mobile devices, clicking brings up a keyboard optimized for email address entry. On older browsers, the control will degrade to a standard textbox.
Public classInput
Base class for new HTML5 INPUT tag types.
Public classNumber
An HTML5 "number" control. This will render an INPUT tag with a TYPE of "number". On supporting mobile devices, clicking brings up a number pad keyboard. On older browsers, the control will degrade to a standard textbox.
Public classSearch
An HTML5 "search" control. This will render an INPUT tag with a TYPE of "search". On some browsers Serach controls are rendered with rounded corners and/or a small "x" clear button when non-empty. On older browsers, the control will degrade to a standard textbox.
Public classTel
An HTML5 "tel" (telephone) control. This will render an INPUT tag with a TYPE of "tel". On supporting mobile devices, clicking brings up a phone pad keyboard. On older browsers, the control will degrade to a standard textbox.
Public classUrl
An HTML5 "url" control. This will render an INPUT tag with a TYPE of "url". On supporting mobile devices, clicking brings up a keyboard optimized for URL entry. On older browsers, the control will degrade to a standard textbox.
See Also