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TwilioPhoneNumber Properties

The TwilioPhoneNumber type exposes the following members.

Public propertyAccountSid
The unique id of the Account responsible for this phone number.
Public propertyAddressRequirements
Indicates whether this number requires an associated physical address. One of "any", "local", "foreign", or "none".
Public propertyApiVersion
Calls to this phone number will start a new TwiML session with this API version.
Public propertyCapabilities
The capabilities of the number.
Public propertyDateCreated
The date that this resource was created, given as GMT.
Public propertyDateUpdated
The date that this resource was last updated, given as GMT.
Public propertyFriendlyName
A human readable descriptive text for this resource, up to 64 characters long. By default, the FriendlyName is a nicely formatted version of the phone number.
Public propertyPhoneNumber
The incoming phone number. e.g., +16175551212 (E.164 format)
Public propertySid
A 34-character string that uniquely idetifies this resource.
Public propertySmsApplicationSid
The ApplicationSid assigned to this number for SMS requests.
Public propertySmsFallbackMethod
The HTTP method Twilio will use when requesting the above URL. Either GET or POST.
Public propertySmsFallbackUrl
The URL that Twilio will request if an error occurs retrieving or executing the TwiML from SmsUrl.
Public propertySmsMethod
The HTTP method Twilio will use when making requests to the SmsUrl. Either GET or POST.
Public propertySmsUrl
The URL Twilio will request when receiving an incoming SMS message to this number.
Public propertyStatusCallback
The URL that Twilio will request to pass status parameters (such as call ended) to your application.
Public propertyStatusCallbackMethod
The HTTP method Twilio will use to make requests to the StatusCallback Url. Either GET or POST.
Public propertyVoiceApplicationSid
The ApplicationSid assigned to this number for voice requests.
Public propertyVoiceCallerIdLookup
Look up the caller's caller-ID name from the CNAM database (additional charges apply)
Public propertyVoiceFallbackMethod
The HTTP method Twilio will use when requesting the VoiceFallbackUrl. Either GET or POST.
Public propertyVoiceFallbackUrl
The URL that Twilio will request if an error occurs retrieving or executing the TwiML requested by Url.
Public propertyVoiceMethod
The HTTP method Twilio will use when requesting the VoiceUrl Url. Either GET or POST.
Public propertyVoiceUrl
The URL Twilio will request when this phone number receives a call.
See Also