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IDiagnosticLogPerformance Method

Overload List
Public methodLogPerformance(Object, DiagnosticCounterType, Double, String, PerfmonAttrs)
Increments a counter with the counter names derived from the object being monitored. The default PerfmonCounterIncrementType is to increment a specific value, such as an event duration. The default value to increment the counter is 1 An optional counterName can be provided if the default counter name (derived from the object) is not appropriate
Public methodLogPerformance(String, String, String, DiagnosticCounterType, Double, PerfmonAttrs)
Increments a counter given a fully specified set of arguments to define the counter's category, instance and counter name. The default PerfmonCounterIncrementType is to increment a specific value, such as an event duration. The default value to increment the counter is 1
See Also