Click or drag to resize

AmendableCombo Properties

The AmendableCombo type exposes the following members.

Public propertyAccessKey
Gets or sets the access key that allows you to quickly navigate to the Web server control.
(Inherited from WebControl.)
Protected propertyAdapter
Gets the browser-specific adapter for the control.
(Inherited from Control.)
Public propertyAppendDataBoundItems
Gets or sets a value that indicates whether list items are cleared before data binding.
(Inherited from ListControl.)
Public propertyAppRelativeTemplateSourceDirectory
Gets or sets the application-relative virtual directory of the Page or UserControl object that contains this control.
(Inherited from Control.)
Public propertyAttributes
Gets the collection of arbitrary attributes (for rendering only) that do not correspond to properties on the control.
(Inherited from WebControl.)
Public propertyAutoPostBack
Gets or sets a value indicating whether a postback to the server automatically occurs when the user changes the list selection.
(Inherited from ListControl.)
Public propertyBackColor
Gets or sets the background color of the Web server control.
(Inherited from WebControl.)
Public propertyBindingContainer
Gets the control that contains this control's data binding.
(Inherited from Control.)
Public propertyBorderColor
Gets or sets the border color of the control.
(Inherited from DropDownList.)
Public propertyBorderStyle
Gets or sets the border style of the control.
(Inherited from DropDownList.)
Public propertyBorderWidth
Gets or sets the border width for the control.
(Inherited from DropDownList.)
Public propertyCausesValidation
Gets or sets a value indicating whether validation is performed when a control that is derived from the ListControl class is clicked.
(Inherited from ListControl.)
Protected propertyChildControlsCreated
Gets a value that indicates whether the server control's child controls have been created.
(Inherited from Control.)
Public propertyClientID
Gets the control ID for HTML markup that is generated by ASP.NET.
(Inherited from Control.)
Public propertyClientIDMode
Gets or sets the algorithm that is used to generate the value of the ClientID property.
(Inherited from Control.)
Protected propertyClientIDSeparator
Gets a character value representing the separator character used in the ClientID property.
(Inherited from Control.)
Protected propertyContext
Gets the HttpContext object associated with the server control for the current Web request.
(Inherited from Control.)
Public propertyControls
Gets a ControlCollection object that represents the child controls for a specified server control in the UI hierarchy.
(Inherited from Control.)
Public propertyControlStyle
Gets the style of the Web server control. This property is used primarily by control developers.
(Inherited from WebControl.)
Public propertyControlStyleCreated
Gets a value indicating whether a Style object has been created for the ControlStyle property. This property is primarily used by control developers.
(Inherited from WebControl.)
Public propertyCssClass
Gets or sets the Cascading Style Sheet (CSS) class rendered by the Web server control on the client.
(Inherited from WebControl.)
Public propertyDataItemContainer
Gets a reference to the naming container if the naming container implements IDataItemContainer.
(Inherited from Control.)
Public propertyDataKeysContainer
Gets a reference to the naming container if the naming container implements IDataKeysControl.
(Inherited from Control.)
Public propertyDataMember
Gets or sets the name of the list of data that the data-bound control binds to, in cases where the data source contains more than one distinct list of data items.
(Inherited from DataBoundControl.)
Public propertyDataSource
Gets or sets the object from which the data-bound control retrieves its list of data items.
(Inherited from BaseDataBoundControl.)
Public propertyDataSourceID
Gets or sets the ID of the control from which the data-bound control retrieves its list of data items.
(Inherited from DataBoundControl.)
Public propertyDataSourceObject
Gets an object that implements the IDataSource interface, which provides access to the object's data content.
(Inherited from DataBoundControl.)
Public propertyDataTextField
Gets or sets the field of the data source that provides the text content of the list items.
(Inherited from ListControl.)
Public propertyDataTextFormatString
Gets or sets the formatting string used to control how data bound to the list control is displayed.
(Inherited from ListControl.)
Public propertyDataValueField
Gets or sets the field of the data source that provides the value of each list item.
(Inherited from ListControl.)
Protected propertyDesignMode
Gets a value indicating whether a control is being used on a design surface.
(Inherited from Control.)
Public propertyEnabled
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the Web server control is enabled.
(Inherited from WebControl.)
Public propertyEnableTheming
Gets or sets a value indicating whether themes apply to this control.
(Inherited from WebControl.)
Public propertyEnableViewState
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the server control persists its view state, and the view state of any child controls it contains, to the requesting client.
(Inherited from Control.)
Protected propertyEvents
Gets a list of event handler delegates for the control. This property is read-only.
(Inherited from Control.)
Public propertyFont
Gets the font properties associated with the Web server control.
(Inherited from WebControl.)
Public propertyForeColor
Gets or sets the foreground color (typically the color of the text) of the Web server control.
(Inherited from WebControl.)
Public propertyHasAttributes
Gets a value indicating whether the control has attributes set.
(Inherited from WebControl.)
Protected propertyHasChildViewState
Gets a value indicating whether the current server control's child controls have any saved view-state settings.
(Inherited from Control.)
Public propertyHeight
Gets or sets the height of the Web server control.
(Inherited from WebControl.)
Public propertyID
Gets or sets the programmatic identifier assigned to the server control.
(Inherited from Control.)
Protected propertyIdSeparator
Gets the character used to separate control identifiers.
(Inherited from Control.)
Protected propertyInitialized
Gets a value indicating whether the data-bound control has been initialized.
(Inherited from BaseDataBoundControl.)
Protected propertyIsBoundUsingDataSourceID
Gets a value indicating whether the DataSourceID property is set.
(Inherited from BaseDataBoundControl.)
Protected propertyIsChildControlStateCleared
Gets a value indicating whether controls contained within this control have control state.
(Inherited from Control.)
Protected propertyIsEnabled
Gets a value indicating whether the control is enabled.
(Inherited from WebControl.)
Protected propertyIsTrackingViewState
Gets a value that indicates whether the server control is saving changes to its view state.
(Inherited from Control.)
Protected propertyIsViewStateEnabled
Gets a value indicating whether view state is enabled for this control.
(Inherited from Control.)
Public propertyItems
Gets the collection of items in the list control.
(Inherited from ListControl.)
Protected propertyLoadViewStateByID
Gets a value indicating whether the control participates in loading its view state by ID instead of index.
(Inherited from Control.)
Public propertyNamingContainer
Gets a reference to the server control's naming container, which creates a unique namespace for differentiating between server controls with the same ID property value.
(Inherited from Control.)
Public propertyPage
Gets a reference to the Page instance that contains the server control.
(Inherited from Control.)
Public propertyParent
Gets a reference to the server control's parent control in the page control hierarchy.
(Inherited from Control.)
Public propertyRenderingCompatibility
Gets a value that specifies the ASP.NET version that rendered HTML will be compatible with.
(Inherited from Control.)
Protected propertyRequiresDataBinding
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the DataBind method should be called.
(Inherited from BaseDataBoundControl.)
Protected propertySelectArguments
Gets a DataSourceSelectArguments object that the data-bound control uses when retrieving data from a data source control.
(Inherited from DataBoundControl.)
Public propertySelectedIndex
Gets or sets the index of the selected item in the DropDownList control.
(Inherited from DropDownList.)
Public propertySelectedItem
Gets the selected item with the lowest index in the list control.
(Inherited from ListControl.)
Public propertySelectedValue
Gets the value of the selected item in the list control, or selects the item in the list control that contains the specified value.
(Inherited from ListControl.)
Public propertySite
Gets information about the container that hosts the current control when rendered on a design surface.
(Inherited from Control.)
Public propertySkinID
Gets or sets the skin to apply to the control.
(Inherited from WebControl.)
Public propertyStyle
Gets a collection of text attributes that will be rendered as a style attribute on the outer tag of the Web server control.
(Inherited from WebControl.)
Public propertySupportsDisabledAttribute
Gets a value that indicates whether the control should set the disabled attribute of the rendered HTML element to "disabled" when the control's IsEnabled property is false.
(Inherited from DropDownList.)
Public propertyTabIndex
Gets or sets the tab index of the Web server control.
(Inherited from WebControl.)
Protected propertyTagKey
Gets the HtmlTextWriterTag value for the ListControl control.
(Inherited from ListControl.)
Protected propertyTagName
Gets the name of the control tag. This property is used primarily by control developers.
(Inherited from WebControl.)
Public propertyTemplateControl
Gets or sets a reference to the template that contains this control.
(Inherited from Control.)
Public propertyTemplateSourceDirectory
Gets the virtual directory of the Page or UserControl that contains the current server control.
(Inherited from Control.)
Public propertyText
Gets or sets the SelectedValue property of the ListControl control.
(Inherited from ListControl.)
Public propertyToolTip
Gets or sets the text displayed when the mouse pointer hovers over the Web server control.
(Inherited from WebControl.)
Public propertyUniqueID
Gets the unique, hierarchically qualified identifier for the server control.
(Inherited from Control.)
Public propertyValidationGroup
Gets or sets the group of controls for which the control that is derived from the ListControl class causes validation when it posts back to the server.
(Inherited from ListControl.)
Protected propertyViewState
Gets a dictionary of state information that allows you to save and restore the view state of a server control across multiple requests for the same page.
(Inherited from Control.)
Protected propertyViewStateIgnoresCase
Gets a value that indicates whether the StateBag object is case-insensitive.
(Inherited from Control.)
Public propertyViewStateMode
Gets or sets the view-state mode of this control.
(Inherited from Control.)
Public propertyVisible
Gets or sets a value that indicates whether a server control is rendered as UI on the page.
(Inherited from Control.)
Public propertyWidth
Gets or sets the width of the Web server control.
(Inherited from WebControl.)
See Also