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FilterHelper Properties

The FilterHelper type exposes the following members.

Public propertyAnd
Gets the FilterKeyword AND conjunction keyword descriptor.
Public propertyBetween
Gets the FilterKeyword BETWEEN conjunction keyword descriptor.
Public propertyKeywords
Gets the FilterKeyword keyword collection.
Public propertyMillionsSymbol
Gets the localized millions symbol ("m" in English).
Public propertyNot
Gets the FilterKeyword negation keyword descriptor.
Public propertyNull
Gets the FilterKeyword NULL keyword. At this time the NULL keyword is specifically used for identifying null values in a picklist, for example filtering on a field with a priority picklist using filter text like "high or low or null". This is distinct from the standard null filtering outside of picklists which uses the IsNull keyword to reduce the probably of inadvertant null filtering when actually looking for normal text.
Public propertyOr
Gets the FilterKeyword OR conjunction keyword descriptor.
Public propertyPeriods
Gets the collection of localized TimePeriod objects.
Public propertyThousandsSymbol
Gets the localized thousands symbol ("k" in English).
See Also