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RequestHelper Properties

The RequestHelper type exposes the following members.

Public propertyStatic memberIFrameID
Gets the client-side ID of the iframe element making the request.
Public propertyStatic memberIsPopup
Determines if the current request is hosted in a popup.
Public propertyStatic memberIsSubform
Gets whether or not the request is being hosted in a subform.
Public propertyStatic memberPopupCloseJS
Gets the javascript for closing the popop (e.g. Find) window/div. You can use GetPopupCloseJS(Boolean) for a non-Bootstrap-based popup in a Bootstrap application, or vice-versa.
Public propertyStatic memberPopupOptions
Extracts the PopupOpts from the request default to zero if not found.
Public propertyStatic memberPopupType
Determines the PagePopupType from the request.
See Also