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AuthenticationFailureType Enumeration

The known types of login authentication failures, used in FailureType.

Namespace:  NetQuarry.Security
Assembly:  EAP.Core (in EAP.Core.dll) Version: (
public enum AuthenticationFailureType
  Member nameValueDescription
UserIDNotProvided1 The User ID was not provided.
UnknownUser2 The User ID was provided, but was not recognized as that of a valid user.
InvalidPassword3 The User ID was recognized, but the provided password was not correct.
PasswordNotProvided4 The User ID was provided, but the password was not provided (and one was required).
TooManyFailures5 Authentication failed because the user made too many login attempts per the application's MaxFailedLogins property.
UserDisabled6 Authentication failed because the user's account is marked disabled.
NotGroupMember7 Authentication failed because the user was not found to be the member of any groups. That is, the user had no Profiles.
See Also