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MapperUtils Methods

The MapperUtils type exposes the following members.

Public methodStatic memberaddFilePathDBFieldsToUpload
Assign the field to require a file to be slurped into the database. Only for FilePath fields and only for those with FileInDB
Public methodStatic memberApplyFileHandlingAttrs
Apply the IE6/https/attachment-download hack (RequiredIE6FileDownloadHack(IField)), if appropriate.
Public methodStatic memberApproxWidthInPixels
Estimate the width of the string, in pixels, for the specified point size.
Public methodStatic memberBuildReportUrl
Build a URL for a report.
Public methodStatic memberCloneAsDetail
Clone the provided mapper, filter on the specified RowKey, requery the mapper, and position to the first row.
Public methodStatic memberControlHasState
Determine if a control has state vs. one that is stateless. Stateless controls need to have their values set from data and never from the page.
Public methodStatic memberDeleteRecord
Delete a record by cloning the provided mapper filtered on the specified RowKey and deleting. Since a clone is used the original mapper is not affected.
Public methodStatic memberExpressionFlags
See ExpressionParser.ExtractFlags().
Public methodStatic memberExpressionParse(String, String)
See ExpressionParser.Parse().
Public methodStatic memberExpressionParse(String, String, String)
See ExpressionParser.Parse().
Public methodStatic memberFieldRootControl(WebControl)
Retrieve the root control for the specified control. Generally the root control is simply the Textbox control, Select control, etc. However, in some cases the control is wrapped (e.g. RadioButtons) in which case the control returned is the outermost wrapper.
Public methodStatic memberFieldRootControl(IField)
Retrieve the root control for the field. Generally the root control is simply the field's Textbox control, Select control, etc. However, in some cases the control is wrapped (e.g. RadioButtons) in which case the control returned is the outermost wrapper.
Public methodStatic memberFireFieldButtonClick
Fire a FieldButtonClick event, assuming the corresonding field is found, visible, and not locked.
Public methodStatic memberGenDestFileName
Generate a destination filename for a FilePath cell field.
Public methodStatic memberGetEmailFieldFromMapper
Find any EmailAddr field in the specified mapper. If multiple EmailAddr fields are found, return the first one and DevLog a warning that there are multiple addresses.
Public methodStatic memberGetPageElement(IMapper)
Gets the PageElementInfo for the IMapper, if available. Note that this is simply a wrapper around the GetPageElement command.
Public methodStatic memberGetPageElement(TypedMapper)
Gets the PageElementInfo for the TypedMapper, if available. Note that this is simply a wrapper around the GetPageElement command.
Public methodStatic memberIsCellAttrSet
Determines if the specified CellTypeAttribute is set on the specified field. Since a CellTypeAttribute is valid only for a particular CellType (since the bits are reused for other CellTypes), both the CellType and CellTypeAttributes are checked.
Public methodStatic memberIsControlAttrSet(WebControl, String)
Determine if the specified attribute is set on the WebControl.
Public methodStatic memberIsControlAttrSet(WebControl, String, String)
Determine if the specified attribute is set to other than the specified value on the WebControl.
Public methodStatic memberIsFileCell
Is the specified cell type one that represents a stored file when populated?
Public methodStatic memberIsPageElement(IMapper, String, String)
Determines if the IMapper is being rendered for the specified MOP and Name of the PageElementInfo. This method is safe to use even if the mapper is null, has no MOP, and/or has no PageElementInfo associated.
Public methodStatic memberIsPageElement(TypedMapper, String, String)
Determines if the TypedMapper is being rendered for the specified MOP and Name of the PageElementInfo. This method is safe to use even if the mapper is null, has no MOP, and/or has no PageElementInfo associated.
Public methodStatic memberLockControl
Lock the specified control. Note that the manner in which the locking is performed is control-type-specific. Use UnlockControl() to undo this operation.
Public methodStatic memberMonitoredFieldsDirty
Compares the set of dirty fields in the provided mapper with a semi-colon delimited list of fields to monitor.
Public methodStatic memberReferencesUnavailableMOP
Determines if the specified URL has a MOP specified (mop parameter) with a value that references a page not available in the current session.
Public methodStatic memberReportHasPermission
Implements a metadata only way to ensure that the user of this report has permissions to actually see it.
Public methodStatic memberRequiredIE6FileDownloadHack
Determine if we need the IE6/https/attachment-download hack.
Public methodStatic memberResolveExpression
Resolve the specified field expression using ExpressionResolve mapper command. See ExpressionParser for more information about field expressions. Use ExpressionEscape to escape apparent field references in a string. Note that although, for historical reasons, the ExpressionResolve command will throw an error if the expression contains an unresolvable field or other syntax error, this method DOES NOT throw by default because it adds the DoNotThrow flag UNLESS the ThrowOnAnomaly flag is set.
Public methodStatic memberResolveReferences
See ExpressionParser.ResolveReferences().
Public methodStatic memberResponsiveListBreakpoints
Determines whether or not a list pivot breakpoint was specified, and if it was, constructs lists of classes to apply to elements that should be hidden when the list is pivoted vs. those that should be hidden when un-pivoted.
Public methodStatic memberScreenReaderCheckboxLabel
Generate an HTML Label element appropriate for use in Screen Readers for the visually impaired where the Label should not show (e.g. a row selector checkbox in a datasheet). The
Public methodStatic memberSecureIE6
Determine if running site is HTTPS and if browser is IE6 or older.
Public methodStatic memberSetupEmailMapper(IAppContext, String, String, Template, Boolean, String, String, IField, IField)
Set up a mapper (includinig requerying) for emailing.
Public methodStatic memberSetupEmailMapper(IAppContext, String, String, Template, Boolean, String, String, IField, IField, SavedFilterApplyOptions)
Set up a mapper (includinig requerying) for emailing.
Public methodStatic memberSetupEmailMapper(IAppContext, String, String, String, Template, Boolean, String, String, IField, IField)
Set up a mapper (includinig requerying) for emailing.
Public methodStatic memberSetupEmailMapper(IAppContext, String, String, String, Template, Boolean, String, String, IField, IField, SavedFilterApplyOptions)
Set up a mapper (includinig requerying) for emailing.
Public methodStatic memberSetupEmailMapper(IAppContext, String, String, String, Template, Boolean, String, String, IField, IField, SavedFilterApplyOptions, Boolean)
Set up a mapper (includinig requerying) for emailing.
Public methodStatic memberSetupEmailMapper(IAppContext, String, String, String, Template, Boolean, String, String, IField, IField, SavedFilterApplyOptions, Boolean, Int32)
Set up a mapper (includinig requerying) for emailing.
Public methodStatic memberSetUpFilterWidget
Set up a filter widget.
Public methodStatic memberSetUpResponsiveTableDataCell
Sets up a data cell (TD) for use in a responsive table supporting breakpoint pivoting.
Public methodStatic memberTelerikSetupPrerequisites
Set up prerequisites for the Telerik Rad controls.
Public methodStatic memberTogglerItemCaption
Gets the item description for use as a toggler caption.
Public methodStatic memberUnlockControl
Lock the specified control. Note that the manner in which the locking is performed is control-type-specific. This is the inverse of LockControl.
Public methodStatic memberUseInplaceDrilldown
Feature helper function for how to handle datasheet drilldowns where the datasheet has PopupDetail set.
Public methodStatic memberUseInplaceFind
Feature helper function for the PopupManagement feature InPlaceFind setting.
Public methodStatic memberUseInplaceNew
Feature helper function for the PopupManagement feature InPlaceNew setting.
See Also