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SQLSelectParser Properties

The SQLSelectParser type exposes the following members.

Public propertyColumns
Gets the ordered list of selected columns in the SELECT statement.
Public propertyFrom
Gets/sets the FROM clause (without the FROM keyword), if any. A FROM clause is required for proper parsing.
Public propertyGroupBy
Gets/sets the GROUP BY clause (without the GROUP BY keywords), if any.
Public propertyHaving
Gets/sets the HAVING clause (without the HAVING keyword), if any.
Public propertyOrderBy
Gets/sets the ORDER BY clause (without the ORDER BY keywords), if any.
Public propertyValid
Gets whether or not the SQL SELECT statement provided to the constructor was parsed successfully.
Public propertyWhere
Gets/sets the WHERE clause (without the WHERE keyword), if any. In addition to setting this directly, you can use the AddFilter(String) method to add additional filters without having to worry about whether an AND conjunction is required.
See Also