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payments_status Fields

The GoCardlessPaymentpayments_status type exposes the following members.

Public fieldStatic membercancelled
The payment has been cancelled.
Public fieldStatic membercharged_back
The payment has been charged back.
Public fieldStatic memberconfirmed
The payment has been confirmed as collected.
Public fieldStatic membercustomer_approval_denied
The customer has denied approval for the payment. You should contact the customer directly.
Public fieldStatic memberfailed
The payment failed to be processed. Note that payments can fail after being confirmed if the failure message is sent late by the banks.
Public fieldStatic memberpaid_out
The payment has been included in a payout.
Public fieldStatic memberpending_customer_approval
We’re waiting for the customer to approve this payment.
Public fieldStatic memberpending_submission
The payment has been created, but not yet submitted to the banks.
Public fieldStatic membersubmitted
The payment has been submitted to the banks.
See Also