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Meeting Properties

The Meeting type exposes the following members.

Public propertyagenda
Meeting description.
Public propertyduration
Meeting duration (minutes). Used for scheduled meetings only. For past meetings this will the actual duration, otherwise the scheduled start time. However, for consistency it is probably better to use total_minutes to obtain duration for past meetings.
Public propertyend_time
The meeting UTC end time. For past meetings obtained via RetrievePastMeeting(String) this will the actual end time of the meeting, otherwise null. For past meetings start_time will be the actual start time of the meeting.
Public propertyh323_password
H.323/SIP room system password.
Public propertyhost_id
ID of the user set as host of meeting.
Public propertyid
Meeting ID, also known as meeting number.
Public propertyjoin_url
Meeting join url. Used by non-host attendees to join the meeting.
Public propertyOccurrences
Array of occurrence objects.
Don't need to set. Add to if needed. If count is 0, list will be ignored.
Public propertyparticipant
The meeting participant. The value will be null except as part of the meeting.participant_joined or meeting.participant_left webhook event in which case it will hold the participant information for the triggering participant.
Public propertyparticipants_count
The number of meeting participants in the actual meeting. Applies to past meetings only. For other meetings this value will be zero.
Public propertypassword
Password to join the meeting.
Password may only contain the following characters: [a-z A-Z 0-9 @ - _ *]. Max of 10 characters.
Public propertyRecurrence
Recurrence meeting info.
Don't need to set. Use the properties if needed. If "type" property is null, object will be ignored.
Public propertySettings
Meeting settings info.
Public propertystart_time
The meeting UTC start time. Only used for scheduled meetings and recurring meetings with fixed time. For past meetings obtained via RetrievePastMeeting(String) this will the actual start time of the meeting, otherwise the scheduled start time. For past meetings, see end_time for the actual end time.
Public propertystart_url
Meeting start url. Used by host to start the meeting.
Public propertytimezone
Timezone to format start_time. For example, “America/Los_Angeles”.
For scheduled meetings only. Please reference Zoom's timezone list for supported timezones and their formats.
Public propertytopic
Meeting topic (subject).
Public propertytotal_minutes
The total minute duration of the actual meeting. Applies to past meetings only in which case duration should have the same value. For other meetings this value will be zero and duration will be the scheduled duration of the meeting.
Public propertytype
Public propertyuser_email
The email of the Zoom user associated with the meeting. Applies to past meetings only.
Public propertyuser_name
The user name of the Zoom user associated with the meeting. Applies to past meetings only.
Public propertyuuid
Meeting unique ID.
See Also