Click or drag to resize

MapperCommand Properties

The MapperCommand type exposes the following members.

Public propertyAction
Gets or sets the command's action.
Public propertyAttributes
Command presentation attributes.
Public propertyCaption
Gets or sets the command's caption. The caption is the text displayed to the user on the More menu and shown under the image if the command is located on the toolbar and toolbar captions are displayed.
Public propertyCommand
The command name used programmatically to invoke specific behaviour. By default, and in most cases, Command is the same as ID. However, Command can be set programmatically to be different from ID In the case where a MapperCommands collection needs to contain multiple MapperCommand objects with the same command, for example where the same command is required with two different MapperCommandLocation values.
Public propertyConfirmMessage
Specifies the confirmation message to display before posting the command back to the extension
Public propertyCssClass
Gest/sets the CSS class to be applied to the command toolbar button.
Public propertyExtraHtml
Gets/sets additional HTML to be appended to the command item. This HTML will not be escaped and should be set with care.
Public propertyID
Gets or sets the command's ID.
Public propertyImage32URL
Gets or sets the command's 32x32 image path.
Public propertyImageURL
Gets or sets the commands 16x16 image path.
Public propertyLocation
Gets or sets the command's location. (Toolbar or MoreMenu)
Public propertyNavTarget
Gets or Sets the NavTarget this command is based on.
Public propertyParentCommand
Gets/sets the ID (name) of the parent command for this item. A parent command constitutes a submenu item and all items having the same parent will be grouped under that parent. If no other command is found having the specified ID, then a parent command will be added automatically.
Public propertyRowKeys
The set of RowKeys for which this command applies. Applies only to RowMenu commands. When the MapperCommand event is fired, the selected key will be provided in RowKey.
Public propertyScript
Gets or sets the command's javascript.
Public propertySourceName
Gets/set the name of the source for this command.
Public propertyStatusText
Gets/sets the text used for the client-side progress indicator. If no text is set then no progress indicator will be presented.
Public propertyTooltip
Gets or sets the commands tooltip.
Public propertyToolTip
Gets or sets the command's tooltip.
Public propertyURL
Gets or sets the command's URL. You may set the URL if your command is a simple navigation command to another page or URL.
Public propertyWindowOptions
Gets or sets the command's window options. Window options are passed to for commands that are javascript based. This parameter is a list of items separated by commas and corresponds to the "Features" parameter in the DHTML method. Each item consists of an option and a value, separated by an equals sign (for example, "fullscreen=yes, toolbar=yes"). The following features are supported.
See Also