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Event Properties

The GoCardlessEvent type exposes the following members.

Public propertyaction
What has happened to the resource.
Public propertycreated_at
Fixed timestamp, recording when this resource was created.
Public propertydetails
Details about the event. Is always sent when GC gives us info.
Public propertyid
Unique identifier, beginning with “EV”.
Not part of actual object sent to GoCardless. Used in HTTP header to prevent duplicating a successful request.
Public propertyinclude
Used in List Event API. If set, includes linked resources in the response. Must be used with the resource_type parameter specified. The include should be one from GoCardlessEventinclude_options.
Public propertylinked_mandate
For list events endpoint. Set if include was sent in request. GoCardless doesn't send linked objects here but have these properties for passing an event to the application without needing a wrapper class.
Public propertylinked_payment
For list events endpoint. Set if include was sent in request. GoCardless doesn't send linked objects here but have these properties for passing an event to the application without needing a wrapper class.
Public propertylinked_refund
For list events endpoint. Set if include was sent in request. GoCardless doesn't send linked objects here but have these properties for passing an event to the application without needing a wrapper class.
Public propertylinks
IDs of things that could be related: mandate, new_mandate, organisation, parent_event.
Public propertymetadata
If the details.origin is api, this will contain any metadata you specified when triggering this event. In other cases it will be an empty object.
Public propertyresource_type
See Also