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Refund Properties

The GoCardlessRefund type exposes the following members.

Public propertyamount
Amount in GBP/EUR/SEK. Not a GoCardless field itself. Used to set/get internal field that's an int in pence/cents/ore.
Public propertycreated_at
Fixed timestamp, recording when this resource was created.
Public propertycurrency
ISO 4217 currency code. This is set to the currency of the refund’s payment.
Public propertyid
Unique identifier, beginning with “RF”.
Not part of actual object sent to GoCardless. Used in HTTP header to prevent duplicating a successful request.
Public propertylinks
IDs of things that could be related: payment.
Public propertymetadata
Key-value store of custom data. Up to 3 keys are permitted, with key names up to 50 characters and values up to 500 characters.
Public propertyreference
An optional refund reference, displayed on your customer’s bank statement. This can be up to 18 characters long for Bacs payments, 140 characters for SEPA payments, or 25 characters for Autogiro payments.
Public propertytotal_amount_confirmation
Total expected refunded amount in GBP/EUR/SEK. If there are other partial refunds against this payment, this value should be the sum of the existing refunds plus the amount of the refund being created. Not a GoCardless field itself. Used to set/get internal field that's an int in pence/cents/ore.
See Also