SettingsInfo Properties |
The MeetingSettingsInfo type exposes the following members.
Name | Description | |
alternative_hosts |
Alternative hosts emails or IDs. Multiple value separated by comma. | |
approval_type | ||
audio |
Determine how participants can join the audio portion of the meeting. Default both. Uses MeetingSettingsInfomeeting_audio. | |
auto_recording |
Auto recording setting. Default none. | |
cn_meeting |
Host meeting in China. Default false. | |
enforce_login |
Only signed-in users can join this meeting.
| |
enforce_login_domains |
Only signed-in users with specified domains can join meetings.
| |
host_video |
Start video when host joins meeting.
| |
in_meeting |
Host meeting in India. Default false. | |
join_before_host |
Allow participants to join the meeting before the host starts the meeting. Only used for scheduled or recurring meetings. Default false. | |
mute_upon_entry |
Mute participants upon entry. Default false. | |
participant_video |
Start video when participants join meeting.
| |
registration_type |
Registration type. Used for recurring meeting with fixed time only. Default 2 (Each). Uses Meetingmeeting_type. | |
use_pmi |
Use Personal Meeting ID. Only used for scheduled meetings and recurring meetings with no fixed time. Default false. | |
watermark |
Add watermark when viewing shared screen. Default false. |