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Links Properties

The GoCardlessLinks type exposes the following members.

Public propertycreditor
For RedirectFlow: The creditor for whom the mandate will be created. The name of the creditor will be displayed on the payment page. =============== For Payment: ID of creditor to which the collected payment will be sent. =============== For Payment Create: ID of a creditor to filter payments by. If you pass this parameter, you cannot also pass customer. =============== For Mandate: ID of the associated creditor. =============== For Mandate Create: Only required if your account manages multiple creditors. =============== For Mandate List: If specified, this endpoint will return all mandates for the given creditor. Cannot be used in conjunction with customer or customer_bank_account.
Public propertycustomer
For RedirectFlow: ID of customer created by this redirect flow. Note: this property will not be present until the redirect flow has been successfully completed. =============== For Payment Create: ID of a customer to filter payments by. If you pass this parameter, you cannot also pass creditor. =============== For CustomerBankAccount: ID of the customer that owns this bank account. =============== For CustomerBankAccount List: Unique identifier, beginning with “CU”. =============== For Mandate: ID of the associated customer =============== For Mandate List: If specified, this endpoint will return all mandates for the given customer. Cannot be used in conjunction with customer_bank_account or creditor.
Public propertycustomer_bank_account
=============== For RedirectFlow: ID of customer bank account created by this redirect flow. Note: this property will not be present until the redirect flow has been successfully completed. =============== For Mandate: ID of the associated customer bank account which the mandate is created and submits payments against. =============== For Mandate List: ID of a customer bank account. If specified, this endpoint will return all mandates for the given bank account. Cannot be used in conjunction with customer or creditor.
Public propertycustomer_bank_account_token
For CustomerBankAccount but NOT USED: ID of a customer bank account token to use in place of bank account parameters.
Public propertymandate
=============== For RedirectFlow: ID of mandate created by this redirect flow. Note: this property will not be present until the redirect flow has been successfully completed. =============== For Payment: ID of the mandate against which this payment should be collected. =============== For Event: If resource_type is mandates, this is the ID of the mandate which has been updated.
Public propertynew_mandate
=============== For Mandate: ID of the new mandate if this mandate has been replaced. =============== For Event: This is only included for mandate transfer events, when it is the ID of the customer bank account which the mandate is being transferred to.
Public propertyorganisation
For Event: If the event is included in a webhook to an OAuth app, this is the ID of the account to which it belongs.
Public propertyparent_event
For Event: If this event was caused by another, this is the ID of the cause. For example, if a mandate is cancelled it automatically cancels all pending payments associated with it; in this case, the payment cancellation events would have the ID of the mandate cancellation event in this field.
Public propertypayment
R: ID of the payment against which the refund is being made. E: If resource_type is payments, this is the ID of the payment which has been updated.
Public propertypayout
=============== For Payment: ID of payout which contains the funds from this payment. Note: this property will not be present until the payment has been successfully collected. =============== For Event: If resource_type is payouts, this is the ID of the payout which has been updated.
Public propertyprevious_customer_bank_account
For Event: This is only included for mandate transfer events, when it is the ID of the customer bank account which the mandate is being transferred from.
Public propertyrefund
For Event: If resource_type is refunds, this is the ID of the refund which has been updated.
Public propertysubscription
=============== For Payment: ID of subscription from which this payment was created. Note: this property will only be present if this payment is part of a subscription. =============== For Payment List: Unique identifier, beginning with “SB”. =============== For Event: If resource_type is subscription, this is the ID of the subscription which has been updated.
See Also