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error_reason Fields

The GoCardlessErrorerror_reason type exposes the following members.

Public fieldStatic memberaccess_token_not_active
The access token you are using has been disabled.
Public fieldStatic memberaccess_token_not_found
No access token with the ID specified was found.
Public fieldStatic memberbad_request
The request syntax was incorrect.
Public fieldStatic memberbank_account_disabled
The mandate could not be created because the customer bank account linked is disabled.
Public fieldStatic memberbank_account_exists
The customer or creditor bank account you are trying to create already exists. These resources must be unique. You should use the corresponding update endpoints to update the details on the existing bank account instead, which will be referenced as links[customer_bank_account] or links[creditor_bank_account] (as appropriate) in the error response.
Public fieldStatic membercancellation_failed
The mandate, payment or subscription was not in a cancellable state. It might have already been cancelled, failed, or it might be too late in the submission process to cancel. For example, payments cannot be cancelled once they are submitted to the banks.
Public fieldStatic membercustomer_bank_account_token_used
The customer bank account could not be created because the token given has already been used.
Public fieldStatic memberdisable_failed
The customer or creditor bank account could not be disabled, as it is already disabled.
Public fieldStatic memberfeature_disabled
You are trying to use a feature which hasn’t been enabled on your account. Please contact support if you would like to enable it.
Public fieldStatic memberforbidden
You were authenticated, but you do not have permission to access that resource.
Public fieldStatic memberidempotency_key_too_long
An idempotency key was supplied for this request but exceeded the max length of this key. See idempotency keys for details on how to work with idempotency.
Public fieldStatic memberidempotent_creation_conflict
The resource has not been created as a resource has already been created with the supplied idempotency key. See idempotency keys for details.
Public fieldStatic memberinsufficient_permissions
The access token you are using does not have the right scope to perform the requested action.
Public fieldStatic memberinvalid_authorization_header
The Authorization header sent was not valid. Make sure it was constructed as described in making requests.
Public fieldStatic memberinvalid_content_type
When including a JSON body with a request you must also include a Content-Type header, set to application/json or application/vnd.api+json.
Public fieldStatic memberinvalid_document_structure
The JSON sent to the server was not in the correct structure. Note that JSON parameters may not be sent at the top level, but must be sent under the name of the resource. See the examples for details on how this is done for each endpoint.
Public fieldStatic memberinvalid_filters
The combination of filters specified in the query string of your request are not allowed. Only certain combinations of filters may be applied to each list endpoint, as documented on each endpoint.
Public fieldStatic memberinvalid_type
The errors key may also hold an array of type errors if the JSON you sent was incorrectly typed. These are in the same format as validation errors (with a message and field per error). A type error will also be returned if you include any additional, unknown parameters.
Public fieldStatic memberlink_not_found
One of the link[resource] IDs in the request was not found. Your integration should ensure that end users can only use existing resources.
Public fieldStatic membermandate_is_inactive
The payment could not be created, because the mandate linked is cancelled, failed, or expired.
Public fieldStatic membermandate_not_inactive
The mandate could not be reinstated, because it is already being submitted, or is active.
Public fieldStatic membermandate_replaced
The resource could not be created, because the mandate it links to has been replaced (for example, because the creditor has moved to a new Service User Number). The new mandate can be found through the reference to links[new_mandate] in the error response, or by retrieving the original mandate and checking links[new_mandate].
Public fieldStatic membermethod_not_allowed
The HTTP verb used is not permitted. Note that we do not allow PATCH requests, and PUT must be used to update resources.
Public fieldStatic membermissing_authorization_header
No Authorization header was included in your request. See making requests for details on how to structure your authorisation header.
Public fieldStatic membermissing_version_header
No GoCardless-Version header was included in your request. See making requests for details on how to set your version header.
Public fieldStatic membernot_acceptable
The content type specified in your Accept header was not acceptable to this endpoint.
Public fieldStatic membernumber_of_refunds_exceeded
The refund could not be created because five refunds have already been created for the given payment.
Public fieldStatic memberpath_not_found
The path was not recognised. Check that you spelled the resource name correctly, and that the URL is formatted correctly.
Public fieldStatic memberrate_limit_exceeded
You have exceeded the rate limit. See the included headers for when your rate limit will be reset.
Public fieldStatic memberrefund_payment_invalid_state
The refund could not be created, because the payment specified is not confirmed or paid_out.
Public fieldStatic memberrequest_body_not_allowed
Sending a request body is not supported for the HTTP method you have used. Use query string parameters in the URL instead.
Public fieldStatic memberrequest_entity_too_large
The body of your request is too large.
Public fieldStatic memberresource_not_found
The ID in the request was not found in our database.
Public fieldStatic memberretry_failed
The payment could not be retried.
Public fieldStatic membertls_required
The GoCardless API can only be accessed over TLS/SSL. Make sure you are sending requests to urls starting with https://, not http://.
Public fieldStatic membertotal_amount_confirmation_invalid
The refund could not be created because the total amount refunded does not match.
Public fieldStatic memberunauthorized
Your username/password was not recognised.
Public fieldStatic memberunsupported_media_type
The API communicates using JSON only. Make sure that your Accept header permits JSON, and your Content-Type header is supported, if you are sending JSON data (e.g. with a POST or PUT request).
Public fieldStatic memberversion_not_found
The GoCardless-Version specified was not found. The version must be one of those listed in the changelog.
See Also