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KmlAddress Fields

The KmlAddress type exposes the following members.

Public fieldAccuracy
The address accuracy.
Public fieldAddress
The full address, if possible.
Public fieldAdministrativeAreaName
Gets/Sets the AdministrativeAreaName parameter. This is generally the state (CA, KY) code.
Public fieldCoordinates
Gets/Sets the Coordinates containing the latitude / longitude.
Public fieldCountryNameCode
The Country name code (short code - US: United States, CAN: Canada)
Public fieldErrorMessage
The error message, if any, received in attempting to geocode an address using CrackAddress(String) or the KmlAddress(String) constructor directly. Typically his will be set when Status is other than OK.
Public fieldLocalityName
Gets/Sets the city name.
Public fieldPostalCodeNumber
Gets/Sets the postal code - zip code.
Public fieldStatus
The status received in attempting to geocode an address using CrackAddress(String) or the KmlAddress(String) constructor directly. If successful this will be OK For any other value see ErrorMessage for additional information.
Public fieldStatusCode
The HTTP status code from the response
Public fieldSubAdministrativeAreaName
Gets/Sets the SubAdministrativeAreaName parameter. This is generally the city (or county in the US).
Public fieldThoroughfareName
Gets/Sets the street and street number (when fully resolved).
See Also