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PicklistProperties Interface

Properties specific to Picklist objects.

Namespace:  SystemProperties
Assembly:  EAP.Mapper (in EAP.Mapper.dll) Version: (
public interface PicklistProperties

The PicklistProperties type exposes the following members.

Public property__FunctionStubs
For Studio use in resolving picklists with embedded functions.
Public propertyCaption
The localized name of the picklist.
Public propertyDescription
The description of the picklist.
Public propertyExcludeFromCodeGen
If true, this item is excluded from code generation.
Public propertyLateBoundSQL
The statement used to fill the list in a late bound fashion. This can contain the parameters {{KEY}} and {{DISCRIM}}. You should NOT Ansi Quote the placeholders.
Public propertyNullEntryCaption
The caption to use for this picklist's null entry.
Public propertyObjectName
The name to use for the enumeration when generating standard picklist enumerations or classes.
Public propertyVocabTextModifier
If your picklists supports vocab text override of display text, you can specify how the display text is formatted in the picklist.
Note Note
This interface is declared for documentation purposes only and is not intended to be used from code.
See Also