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TypedMapperAttachT Method

Creates a new instance of the specified class (a TypedMapper dervirative) and attaches it to the mapper. You should generally not call Close on the returned TypedMapper object as that TypedMapper is a wrapper on the provided IMapper object to which it is attached (no new mapper is instantiated). Calling Close on the TypedMapper would in turn call Close on the attached mapper.

Namespace:  NetQuarry.Data
Assembly:  EAP.Mapper (in EAP.Mapper.dll) Version: (
public static T Attach<T>(
	IMapper mapper
where T : new(), TypedMapper


Type: NetQuarry.DataIMapper
The mapper to attach to the new object

Type Parameters

The class type for the object. This should be your topmost derived class.

Return Value

Type: T
A new instance of 'T' attached to the mapper.
See Also